Friday, September 11, 2009

dressing up

Poor dog . . . having to live with 3 kids who love to play dress up!!! Here she sports a t-shirt and sunglasses. After this pic was taken they put socks on her front feet!

I love when I see kids enthralled with reading. In music class this week we listened to animal and nature sounds from the seashore as well as music selections highlighting those types of sounds. Afterward I brought out our kids' magazines which carried articles and photos of seashore animals. The kids were immediately absorbed!! In the first picture is Noah, Tiegan and Kynan.

Anya and Acacia



Beto and Laura Perez Speaks said...

the "new rage" here is putting glasses on your dog's butt. the tail (depending) looks like a nose. i bet the kids would like that!

Britton Family said...

Laura, Laura, Laura, Thanks for keeping us up on the latest rage in the ole U. S. of A. Like most things the American Public seems to gravitate to, I'll say NO THANKS!!!!!!