Monday, September 7, 2009

Lost and Found

Looking out from our kitchen window you can see Emma carrying a VERY LONG sugar cane. Found just beyond their garden of sweet potatoes, it makes a yummy late afternoon, pre-dinner snack . . . hope they brush their teeth afterwards . . .
And speaking of teeth, Acacia lost her first tooth this week. In the picture Toby is talking on the phone to Grandma while the other two impatiently wait for their turn.
We spent a great deal of time Saturday doing yard work. Acacia decided she wanted to have a garden in her room. She gathered 4 different plants and "planted" them in jars and then set them strategically around her room.

This new "kid" that we found at the pound is getting more comfortable with her surroundings everyday.
Even too comfortable sometimes . . . she's been known to disappear here and there, not so good for community living. . . especially when she visits neighborhood chickens, "just to say HELLO!"

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