Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Tonight I managed to pull off a surprise party for my friend and co-missionary, Nancy. It's been in the plans for about 3 weeks now and we all kept it a great secret. Nancy was surprised and blessed and I am very pleased that it went well. She is a wonderful person, friend and staff member. I invited all staff women who are 40 years old or more and they each brought a dish to share for dinner and then we all shared words of honor and wisdom with Nancy. It was a very enjoyable time. My words here aren't expressing the joy we all had at being together and blessing our dear sister. Here are a few pictures.

Some of these pictures will go in a book to commemorate Nancy's 40th Birthday celebrations!!! Each woman who attended tonight wrote a message and her picture will be placed near her message for Nancy. I'm so thankful we live at New Hope where we are privileged to live among such wonderful women of God!!!!!

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