As she finished the biscuits, I started to wash the lettuce. Inside the first layer was this little frog. You just never know what kind of extra protein you might find around here . . .
On Thursday we celebrated Geoff's 42nd birthday!!!! The kids are always so excited to give gifts and they were cracking us up with their antics. Sorry, can't remember now what they were saying at that moment, but I'll share a funny of Kevin's from a previous day . . . one afternoon Geoff and I noticed his palms were almost black from dirt
. Geoff said, "Kevin, you need to go wash your hands. What is all that black stuff?" Kevin shot back exasperated, "I DON'T KNOW, that black stuff just keeps tracking me!!!"
On Saturday Gabe, a fellow staff member, called to ask if he could come over and hook up to our amp and play his newly finished handmade guitar. Of course we turned it up LOUD and enjoyed the beauty of the instrument and the rock-n-roll. The kids and Kakande were immediately attracted to the music and came running to add in their part. Toby grabbed a "baseball bat guitar" and Kakande danced and laughed.
An update on the animals: they are quickly becoming good friends, though the dog is still not too keen on the playfulness of the kitty.
A little news: On Saturday I will be taking three of our girls to the Kiwoko hospital for some medical care that we are unable to offer here at Kasana. I don't relish the thought of spending all day sitting around the local hospital, but I AM looking forward to spending the day with the girls!!!
I hope by now you all have heard that President Museveni won the elections here and the process was very peaceful. PRAISE GOD!!!!!