Today is a holiday in Uganda. "Women's Day" which we celebrate here at New Hope as "Mother's Day". Geoff let me sleep in (ahhhhhhh . . . ) and he prepared french toast for breakfast AND washed the dishes!!! This is the first time in our almost 4 years here that we remembered the holiday--usually times like this sneak up on us. But, more and more we're growing accustomed to the rhythm of life here and can actually tell you the names and dates of most of the holidays!!!!! (Ugandan Independence day is October 9--independence was gained in 1962; and Martyrs Day is June 3) Funny story--when we first heard about Ugandan Martyrs Day, the accent tricked our ears and we heard, "Uganda Matters Day". So, we thought "how appropriate, they are teaching the young children to appreciate their country!!!" When in fact, they are remembering those who had become Christians and actively professed their faith; because of that they were killed by the King in power at that time who wanted NO ONE to be King above him.

(The Christians, of course, professed Christ to be the King of Kings.)
At this point you may be asking, "Why is this blog titled 'Medical Update' when you've said NOTHING medical and shared history?"
Well, after our lovely breakfast this morning, Geoff got a call that the wife of his new professor had gone to the hospital at 6:30 and they needed money for food, medicine and transport (NOTHING is provided in the hospitals here--you bring all your own bedding, food, clothing and bathing supplies).
After Geoff returned a few hours later, our New Hope Children's Centre Nurse, Roger, came by to get an update from Geoff on her status. Nothing like an official update held out in the middle of the yard!!!!