Wednesday, April 24, 2013


We’ve just returned from our meeting with Dr. Vora, an oncologist in Long Beach, California. We are very encouraged at this point, though many things are yet to be decided upon. 

The PET scan did not show extensive overall involvement throughout the body. But, because the stomach organ is involved, he is diagnosing Geoff as stage IV diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, though he says Geoff does not completely fit a stage IV picture. Due to the large ulcer in Geoff’s stomach, he is consulting with a gastric surgeon regarding whether or not resection should be the first course of treatment. He has concerns that administering chemotherapy before resection would result in the ulcer shrinking faster than the stomach can heal the area, thus leaving a hole in the stomach.  

Another “hot spot” on the PET scan showed up on the right side of the floor of Geoff’s mouth. Dr. Vora will have us meet with an ENT surgeon regarding that area. In addition, he needs to perform a bone marrow biopsy, which he will do on Monday, and will meet with his tumor board on Tuesday to present Geoff’s case and receive input from other experts. 

So, at this point we don’t have a clear picture of what will happen first, second and so on. The one component that will definitely happen is the chemotherapy, but whether or not that will begin before surgeries to either the stomach or mouth is yet to be determined. Dr. Vora indicated that once Geoff’s chemotherapy treatment begins it will consist of 6-8 treatments, one being administered every 3 weeks.  

Again we were very encouraged and God continues to assure us that He is with us and will continue to give us grace.  Thank you for all the encouraging comments, prayers and support we are receiving.  It is really encouraging knowing that we are walking through this with so many of you.  

Blessings, Mary


JC Bliss said...

You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for keeping us updated.

Nancy said...

Thanks for keeping us updated Mary and Geoff. We are praying for you so much. One of the family group kids just here asking if there is any news yet.

Much love to you all!
