Saturday, November 20, 2010

Is this the way?

OK imagine trying to find someone’s house where there are no addresses, no street signs and the environment and land marks are ever changing. That was our challenge today, one benefit is that I had been to the man’s house before. Well I guess that could be a benefit but today it didn’t seem to help. Toby and I (Geoff) set out to pay a home visit to a man in the village. We went by land marks I remembered and I think were in the general area, but the one person I stopped to possibly ask turned out to be a drunk and insisted that I help him with a sore tooth. Needless to say I didn’t ask anyone else. After looking for about thirty minutes we gave up. Along the way we also met a snake sunning itself across the path. I decided to run it over and as I did it rose up and tried to bite me. If you can imagine Toby and I going by, me with my feet up on the air, shouting look out SNAKE… To quote Toby “Daddy that was scary!!” Praise God it didn’t get us! We came home only slightly disappointed because half of the adventure is the effort.


Beto and Laura Perez Speaks said...

you know it's blogs like these that just worry the gma's even more! love you and so glad you made it home without snake bites even though you didn't find the house you were looking for!

Janice Speaks said...

AMEN to Laura. So glad you are safe. mom