Sunday, February 14, 2010

Ate our way through the weekend . . .

We went to Kampala Friday, Saturday and Sunday for a bit of rest. As always when we go to town we enjoy the specialty foods that we don't find out here in the village. Friday we ate at "Khana Khazana" which is some of the best Indian food we've had, and then it was on to ice cream!!! We rewared the kids for their excellent work on Bible memory verses by taking them out to ice cream. Two and one half hours later we arrived back at our hotel QUITE tired of sitting in traffic!!!! (What should take about 45 min. all said and done can take extraordinary amounts of time in a developing country in which traffic laws and traffic lights are generally non-existent--In fact, even if there are lights, the police position themselves in the intersection and "direct" traffic themselves!! Geoff and I have a saying that if a traffic back-up is LONG, there are probably police stationed up ahead!) Saturday we had yummy pizza and ice cream (this time the ice cream was AT the restaurant which was also very close to our hotel.) Before we left town today we had pizza again because we just couldn't get enough and tonight, because we were so stuffed from the weekend of culinary treats, we had popcorn and smoothies for supper. Bubbly and Toby were out in the yard playing American football when I was starting the popcorn. Bubbly came running as soon as she heard the popcorn popping! She ran so fast she slid into the house and almost missed the kitchen door. Doesn't she look absolutely overjoyed at the thought of popcorn???? It is her FAVORITE!!!

Tongue hangin out in anticipation

Picking up treats thrown to her from Geoff

Catching them mid-air

Eyes on the prize

What a fun dog!!!!!

1 comment:

Beto and Laura Perez Speaks said...

can't wait to see you guys. happy valentine's day! love you all