Friday, July 14, 2017


The scenery can inspire, the beauty can awe, the food can overwhelm, the enjoyment can captivate.  As it has to so many, both here and across the world the pursuit of pleasure has become the primary goal and yet it is empty of purpose. Today I am seeing how easy it can be for one to lose focus on what it is really about. God has created a world filled with beauty, filled with experiences to be had. His goodness is seen all around us, in nature, in people and the journey through this life. Yet we also must see how these gifts can actually become the things that choke out the word of God and distract us from the main purpose (Luke 8:14). Solomon wrote in the book of Ecclesiastes 2:24 that it is great for man to enjoy this life, it is a gift from God. The apostle Paul also had the perspective that living life to the fullest can bring glory to God (Col 3:23), even in the eating and drinking (1 Cor 10:31). The challenge in navigating the pleasures of this life is to not lose sight of why God has made such beauty, why he gives us the chance to celebrate life. IT IS TRULY A GIFT FROM GOD. Colossians 1:16 tells us how all these things, all this beauty and enjoyment is actually for HIM. Yes God has intended us to enjoy his creation, he wants us to live our lives to the fullest enjoying the journey he has us on but it must be done with our eyes focused on Him. The one who all good and perfect gifts come from (James 1:17) and enjoy it as a offering unto him. Not allowing the gift to distract us from the giver and to remember that our call is to build His Kingdom and be fruit bearers where ever we are. In the end let us remember as the Preacher said, "Let us fear God and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man" - Ecclesiastes 12:13

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