It is really causing me to think about so many things but especially taken up by thankfulness for what God has done in our lives. But not just what he has done, but specifically what He has allowed us to see. I still consider myself a young man, only 48 years and I would expect many years remain, but the things I have witnessed are at times amazing. This past week we have celebrated. First Mary and my 20th wedding anniversary and then with the church our annual thanksgiving service. Approximately 800 people jumping, shouting and praising God, (take a look at Facebook for many pictures) We recounted so many things that God has done. The way we have seen God move in people’s lives, seeing HIs character expressed in so many people, so many cultures, in nature and so many experiences around this world. How he has revealed himself is overwhelming!
But I don’t want to focus only on what I can see…We often are caught up thinking about what He has done, or what is happening in our lives. We determine the level of blessing in our lives by what we are experiencing and judge God by our circumstances. Psalm 136 opens up with the line “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.” The writer then begins to recount all that God has done, all that would cause one to be thankful. But he wanted to begin at a certain point, not with what he has done but with who He is. HE IS GOOD! That must be were we begin, “…knowledge of the Holy one is insight” - Proverbs 9:10. If we are really to have insight into this life, if we are to fully grasp the meaning of why we are here then it must begin with knowing our God. And that knowing can come primarily through his word where he reveals to us the real picture of who he is. We then couple that with our experiences it leads us to the place of declaring "God is my salvation, I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the Lord God is my strength and my song" - Isaiah 12.
I am thankful for this morning, in all my wonderful experiences including the view I am looking at now but I know none of it compares to knowing and experiencing the character of my God!
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