Friday, October 5, 2012

Up Early!!

Saturday morning and we’re up at 5ish. What is wrong with us?  Are we getting old?  Apparently that is not the issue as we find Toby also up!!!!! Craziness abounds. 

The kids are enjoying some EARLY Saturday morning POP TARTS!!!!! They were a gift from the 1st Alaska team and a welcome addition to the normal breakfast around here!!!!!
I deliberately set my first appointment at 10 a.m. so that I could sleep in! To no avail. 

5:55 a.m. and Geoff is already off to Kampala for pre-surgical lab work. Yes, surgery. Nothing major, just a tonsillectomy.  

Ok, not exactly the total truth, but no big deal--here’s the situation . . . A little over two months ago Acacia and I had a virus that caused some very painful mouth sores, but they cleared in about two weeks. As we neared the end of our bout with it Geoff began developing some. After three weeks his had still not run their course, but he had the outreach in Kapechorwa for a week. When he returned and they were increasingly  bothering him I thought maybe the virus now had some bacterial involvement, so I planned to put him on antibiotics. But, the process of convincing him of their merit took a week or so. Eventually I threw some good broad spectrum antibiotics at it--no response. He tried gargling with salt water which didn’t burn or hurt at all, hmmmmm.  So, off to the dr we went last Wednesday in which we experienced a total miracle!  After our visit with our primary care dr he referred us to an ENT and we were able to see him the same day within an hour of leaving the first dr’s office! I love the beauty of smooth transitions!!!!!

The ENT suggested a tonsillectomy and biopsy of a large encapsulated growth on Geoff’s right tonsil. Of course surgery means the usual pre-surgical labs, but the ENT office doesn’t have its own lab. When we finished in Kampala last Wednesday, offices were already closing. Sunday they are closed, Tuesday they will be closed for the Jubilee celebration of Ugandan’s 50 years of independence and on Monday Geoff has a number of commitments already laid out. Nothing will be open before 7 a.m. on Wednesday either (which is when we report to the hospital), which leaves only today to get the lab work completed. (On Friday I checked with a dr friend at our local Kiwoko hospital and found out that our lab here doesn’t perform the needed labs.)

Once the tonsils are out, the tissue for biopsy will be sent to South Africa and has a turn around time of about a week. 

Geoff and I will need to stay at a guesthouse on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. The kids will be here at New Hope with friends.

Both of us are committing this, another of the varied and challenging experiences in life, to our God who is sovereign and GOOD. Praise HIm!!!!!We appreciate your prayers as well as we walk together as a family through the next couple of weeks.  

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