Sunday, August 19, 2012

Everything in season. And the rainy season it is! The rains are back in full force. To be truthful, they never really went away, but only slowed down for a week or two. Ox plowing can also be seen around here again. On Friday and Saturday Dodo and Junju plowed the garden next to our house. Two young boys behind two huge oxen tore up the soil of an entire garden plot in about 3 hours! Praise God for the oxen! Two grown men would have hand-tilled the plot in about 3 weeks!

On their way into the garden the boys chose a narrow route between our fruit trees and the construction of Aunt Kate’s house. Geoff spoke to them about not doing that again as they broke off tree limbs and about trampled a couple of our banana plants, not to mention the iron sheets that almost got stepped on and bent underneath the oxen hooves. However, when they were finished with their work they took the same route back and again broke off tree limbs and came close to stepping on banana plants and construction materials. I hollered at them and promised that Uncle Geoff would be seeing them later on.

Indeed, quite a few hours later there was a “talking to” complete with apologies. But, the orphan heart quickly becomes closed off when confronted so Geoff decided that the best way to show that all was forgiven was to give coveted “motorbike lessons.”  “Can you believe that?  We get in trouble and when all the talking is done we get to ride the motorbike????? wow.”   

Dodo did a little wild move and the goat ran out of the way.


Junju focuses

Not so serious, though, that we can't laugh a little

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This morning I caught Geoff getting a super snuggle with his kidlets

1 comment:

Unknown said... Geoff with the kiddos.