Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A swig of my own medicine . . .

In Toby's science  curriculum we've taken an indepth look at genetics including PGD, stem cell use and cloning. All the ethical questions and debates aside, I've found myself yearning to clone myself lately, WHY????? Because I want to be two places at one time!!! Well, actually THREE. Here at New Hope fully immersed in our lives here; with my sister, brother-in-law, nephew,  new niece and family; and with my cousin, her daughter and family! Being SO FAR AWAY is definitely HARD for me these days!

The two above pictures are of my 25 year old cousin Bailey.  The top photo is with her Daddy when she was a wee toddler and the bottom is a more recent photo with her Mom. Bailey was in a very serious car accident on August 11th. Her spinal vertebra were crushed and the nerves were severed at L1 requiring 14 hours of surgery. Neurosurgeons are not confident that she will have movement or feeling return, though they did concede that had it been one step above there would be NO chance. We'll take the favorable placement at L1 as a great sign!! She is still intubated at this writing, but after many blood transfusions and close observation, she may get to have that removed soon.

At the time of this writing I have been checking, more-than-daily, as this internet will allow, my youngest sister’s blog, my cousin’s FB page and email, craving news on the status and progress of my young niece Bela, and my cousin Bailey. In the past 24 hours there has been nothing new posted. 

I am experiencing what the grandparents frequently suffer--a voracious appetite for updates from the family when there is no delivery of such. Sigh . . .Sometimes this blog space sits idle for days going on weeks going on a month or more. I now taste the medicine I’ve been dishing out to the matriarchs and patriarchs over the past six and a half years of our living in Uganda. Where are the pictures??? Where is the news??? What’s going on??? How are the girls doing???? What are the Drs saying?

Being so far away from the family when these intense seasons settle in on the family is one of the most difficult challenges amidst what we, under normal circumstances, LOVE to do. I find myself walking around with in a constant state of prayer for Bela and Bailey, while I am also mentoring, discipling, teaching, organizing, studying, cooking, cleaning, greeting, etc. And isn’t that what Paul urged us to do? “Pray without ceasing” And I’m doing it and I’m thankful for the absolute privilege. But, I admit to a heavy heart--NOT to worry, but a longing to be with my family while also being here. 

It’s the cloning dilemma all over again. 

I post these pictures for you AND ME to see!

Above and below is baby Bela with her dear Aunt Romaine. Bela was born July 5th and has been hospitalized ever since with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. She is currently improving and showing signs of positive progress. But, oh, how I long to hold her like I see everyone else getting to do in these pictures!!

Aunt Romaine is Bela's great aunt and Bailey's grandma so her heart is pulled in so many directions these days.

What a cutie patootie

Santiago, my nephew and Bela's older brother. What I wouldn't give to take him out to ice cream and the beach right now!!

Bela and her mommy, my sister Laura.

Above and below, baby Bela with her loving Papa. . . kisses and naps!

Nap time

With our sister, Glenda (L), Aunt Glenda and Laura holding Bela

The awesome Grandma, loving on her 12th grand baby!


Unknown said...

We miss you!

Amy said...

I hear you! I want to be there so badly too. It is so hard being very far away.
You gave one of the best explanations I've ever heard about praying without ceasing! Amidst all of our daily requirements and activities this is how we should pray.
Love you!