Tuesday, April 20, 2010

"Daddy, What's a Happy Meal?"

We were listening to Toby Mac tonight as I prepared supper. One of the songs features his son who, at the end of the song, wonders out loud about payment for his work. Toby Mac replies, "You get a Happy Meal!" to which his son giggles--you can "see" the smile in his voice! Acacia was standing nearby and asked Geoff, "Daddy, what's a Happy Meal?" Both Geoff and I shouted, "Hallelujah!!!" Our 7 year old doesn't know what a Happy Meal is! Life is so simple here, thank GOD!

What otherwise could we expect? Having only been home to the U.S. for 8 weeks during the past 4 years certainly yields that kind of experience. Four weeks from tomorrow (yikes) we leave for furlough. Happy Meals here we come!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Janice Speaks said...

Happy meals and Papa and Grandma and Laguna and Grammie and the beach and all the aunts and uncles and Disneyland and who knows what else?

Amy said...

First off-love the pic of Acacia and her baby!!

Second, Dave would love to read this post! He has an awful time relying on the younger generation that was brought up on Happy Meals and blames it all on them. He says to me "You know when it all started going wrong? When they started giving kids toys at every meal!" So...now you both crack me up!