Saturday, April 24, 2010

50 Cents

Just had an interesting experience today and wanted to share it with all of you. First some back ground…We have been feeling a bit tested in the area of finances lately as we have experienced some fairly large un planned for expenses (that is for missionaries on our budget) and at the moment don’t really have much money to speak of. On top of that yesterday I had some money stolen from my office, around $35 and it wasn’t even mine, but belonged to the David family children that they had saved for some Bibles. Well then today while eating breakfast a woman from our church came to the house. She is a widow that the church has helped from time to time with things including providing a place to garden food for her family. My first reaction was, I don’t have time for this today. But of course God is good at setting His agenda above ours. It turns out that her mother is very sick at home and needing to go to the hospital and she was coming seeking my help. Her request was for some transport assistance, now remember we are feeling financial pressure right now. As I began to explain to her through a translator that we also do not have anything to help her right now, I decided to ask for more details. It turns out that she is only a short distance in a neighboring village from the hospital and her request was for 1,000 Shillings which is equivelant to 50 cents. OK let me just say I can manage that. The reality is that this woman is so poor that she literally does not have 50 cents. As I finished with her I went back to breakfast and made a statement that is truly a prayer. May I never be so financially broke that I can’t help a desperately poor woman with even 50 cents. When we think we are facing financial challenges ask you self if you and your resources can manage 50 cents. Then decide how badly off you are. I am thankful to our God that He provides so well. Let us consider today how He has provided for all our needs according to His glorious riches.


Glenda said...

WOW Mary that was a very emotional blog for me. I haven't worked in a year and it has been difficult (thank you Mom) but geez I can manage 50 cents. WOW

Beto and Laura Perez Speaks said...

i blogged for you today. love you