Sunday, June 3, 2018

New Ground

Geoff’s out in the living room as I type. He’s listening to and talking with one of our current IY students. Tomorrow is the beginning of the 2nd round of internships for this year’s group. There is fear and trepidation, butterflies, nervousness, excitement and elation all mixed up together. 

The one-on-one that’s happening down the hallway at this moment excites me beyond what I can find words for! It is a heart-to-heart the young man desperately needs. I LOVE that it is occurring. The privilege we have of walking with young people through this major transition in their life is energizing!

Last night I met with one of the young IY ladies I mentor. She left around noon today so she could be ready to be at work tomorrow at 8 a.m. at a tour agency in Kampala. She didn’t know until about 7 pm last night that she was to leave today. The tour agency owner had emailed about 5 pm and included a detailed plan for the internship to begin on Monday. When we walked over to tell her the news she smiled, but with shaking voice admitted to “butterflies” knowing the newest challenge in her life would begin in less than 48 hours. Then she requested to meet with me after supper so that before she left we could read another chapter together in a book we’ve been studying. 

The hunger of some of these young people to glean from their mentors encourages me. Sometimes during a time of mentoring there are a lot of silent moments, pregnant pauses that I am so tempted to fill. But, I am finding more and more during IY that the young people have a great deal to share. Yet, I wait and when they speak I hear exploration and growth.

And that is what I am hearing as the voices lilt through the house — much of the words spoken are not Geoff’s. Filling the environment are questions, musings, observations and appeals for help by the young man leaving soon for a new experience. There is an accounting firm at which he knows no one. This next week he leaves the safe confines of New Hope and enters a world where he is not yet known. Such produces fear and excitement. An opportunity to shake off the labels that have followed him from primary school refreshes. But, our expectations for him to step up and give all of himself to this internship frightens. I am thankful he asks for help and I am grateful God has placed us here to be a help.

Please be praying for our 45 IY students this week as they all embark on new ground.

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