Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The quenching of our boys masculinity...

I recently read an article in the local newspaper that left me shocked and discouraged.  I can’t help sharing my frustration, not that you too would be frustrated, but that we would pray and actively do something to ensure our society is not completely de-masculated.  The story was like this...A second grade boy was suspended from school for violating one of its “absolutes,” these are school rules that in essence are zero tolerance.  Good job for having boundaries that are non-negotiable, but misguided intentions can have intense ramifications.  The school rule outlaws weapons and fighting both “real and play”.  Now in todays society the need to not allow children to have weapons in school is understandable, but follow the rest of the story.  The boy was at recess playing like boys do and he was busy playing out his imagination and used his imaginary grenade to blow up something evil in an imaginary box.  WOW!  Can you imagine, a boy whom God intended to be a defender, protector, warrior for righteousness being persecuted for living out his God given nature?  And in reality being punished for using his imagination.  What is the message that is being sent to our youth today?  When you battle evil you are wrong!  The mother says the boy is confused and she is not sure how to enforce the school rules.  AMEN!  Don’t enforce those rules, but teach your son to live out his God given calling!  We are teaching our children to tolerate or even accept evil as normal.  That despite what evil you see don’t do anything about it because we all have our “rights” and we need to be tolerant.  Where are we headed as a culture when our children are being punished for standing up against evil?  Our grandparents that gave their lives to fight against evils such as Hitler, Stalin and worked to ensure our personal freedoms are rolling over in their graves!  Let us not sit back and tolerate this injustice but let’s stop the madness!


Unknown said...

I totally agree. It's totally natural. Santi has never even seen a show or movie of Spiderman and yet he knows that he's there to save people from evil and he wants to be him all the time! No one taught him that, God makes boys that way. Great post!

Troy, Sarah, Taylor, Trevor, Tobyn said...

Thanks for posting this. My boys wouldnt make it through half a day at that school. Even as I sit here Tobyn is zapping his "bad guy" with lasers. Enjoy your time in Co. Troy Dolge