Monday, May 2, 2011

The Fort

In our recent monsoon-like storms we have lost many trees and bananas. Everywhere you go there is evidence of the devastation. The kids capitalized on the destruction for their creative advantage and made the most glorious tree house/fort you could imagine. As the days have gone by, the banana leaves have dried and the felled trees been stripped of most of their leaves (due to climbing children!!), so yesterday Geoff and I went to see their creation before it was completely gone.

Stella and Acacia staking their claim

Kevin, Jesse, Acacia and Joshua climbing on felled limbs

Jesse and Kevin enjoy their hiding place

Jesse--King of the fort


Glenda said...

LOVE the fort! what fun they must be having building and playing in it. Love you all.

Amy said...

You have cool kids, they really love their lives!