New Hope Uganda. Hope. New. And might I add, Always Present and Ever Increasing when based and settled in the love and fatherhood of God Himself. Having taken in the first ten children in 1988, the ministry of Kasana Children’s Centre has a history of 23 years of caring for and instilling hope in the fatherless of this central region of Uganda.
We are thankful to God for the opportunity and privilege of loving and caring for His children. In the almost five years we’ve been here, we’ve come to love and appreciate so many children---and some have become extra-dear to us. Medie Kanyike is one of the extra-dear. He was Geoff’s first intern at the Vocational Institute and set such a high standard for subsequent interns!!! Medie is competent, accomplished, diligent, attentive, bright, purposed and hard-working. He has since that time completed University, been one of three founding members of a vibrant youth outreach group called EYO here at Kasana Children’s Centre, purchased, cleared, and farmed land for profit, and now has plans and materials for a house on his property. Earlier this week Geoff, the kids, Medie and another staff member and close friend of Medie’s, Syd Sparks visited his land. It was an important time of viewing tangibly the result of the Father’s hope living in Medie’s heart. He knows and loves his Father God and trusts Him for his future. Walking on the land and sensing the excitement in Medie stirred in Geoff, Syd and the kids a deep thankfulness for the hand of God on Medie’s life.
Not all of our children here at New Hope Uganda (comprised of Kasana Children’s Centre, Kobwin Children’s Centre & Musana camps) come to an understanding of God’s love and His gift of life. Many reject His love and care and leave us with bitterness in their hearts and without hope. Medie blesses us as he whole-heartedly takes in the truth of God’s love and lives genuinely for his Father God. He is an example and encouragement for other children—his life speaks loud of the faithfulness and compassion of our God!
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