Uncle Bernard Semakula gives a quick wave
Uncle Okoth came over to David Family to say good-bye

We were excited to see Uncle Jonnes on the main road as we thought we'd missed him!

Uncle Simon and Solomon, plus many others came to the house and prayed for us moments before we drove away.

Auntie Kiersten (who always so faithfully watched Bubbly, our dog, and our house while we were gone) and Auntie Leah, one of our missionary home-school teachers. We passed them on the road when we dropped Bubbly off at Auntie Nancy's.

Saying good-bye to Bubbly.

Good buddies, Anya and Acacia

Acacia and two friends from the primary school.

Auntie Grace, my good friend for more than 16 years. She and I served at New Hope together in 1994 and she's been there ever since. One of my most favorite things about being at New Hope is the privilege of renewing our friendship!
Acacia at Grammie's house.

In the Amsterdam airport at 5 a.m!!!!!

Dancing with cousin Santiago!

Rough housing with Dad!
We were excited to see Uncle Jonnes on the main road as we thought we'd missed him!
Uncle Simon and Solomon, plus many others came to the house and prayed for us moments before we drove away.
Auntie Kiersten (who always so faithfully watched Bubbly, our dog, and our house while we were gone) and Auntie Leah, one of our missionary home-school teachers. We passed them on the road when we dropped Bubbly off at Auntie Nancy's.
Saying good-bye to Bubbly.
Good buddies, Anya and Acacia
Acacia and two friends from the primary school.
Auntie Grace, my good friend for more than 16 years. She and I served at New Hope together in 1994 and she's been there ever since. One of my most favorite things about being at New Hope is the privilege of renewing our friendship!
We drove away last Friday morning starting a VERY LONG journey to California via Entebbe and Amsterdam. We have had no problems adjusting to the time change and we've done a fine job of resting! Geoff and I joined an LA Fitness club and have enjoyed exercising! We've been to the library where the kids each got their own card and enthusiastically checked out books. We've been swimming at my Uncle and Aunt's home swimming pool (and jacuzzi, which is where I landed!!!) We ate some AMAZING hispanic food at the Long Beach church as we took time to say an official good-bye from the church and pray for my sister and brother-in-law as they are soon to depart for Honduras where they live and serve as missionaries. Tonight we meet with a young person who is headed with Pepperdine University to Uganda on a short-term mission trip to Jinja. Life is exciting, joyful and restful at the moment and we are thankful.
In the Amsterdam airport at 5 a.m!!!!!
Dancing with cousin Santiago!
Rough housing with Dad!