Monday, December 27, 2010
Sleepover times two!!!
Today we got the call that yet another of our pregnant staff members was blessed with a new, healthy baby!!! The message also came with a request to take dinner to the hospital (the hospitals here do not provide food to the patient, it is the responsibility of the family to provide.) We had a full house of kids at that point. Probably about 12 of them running around and having a great time. When the girls heard I was going to see the new baby they all asked to go with. On the way home they asked if they could have a "sleep over times two". When I asked what that was they explained it meant BOTH Anya and Stella could sleep over with Acacia tonight. (I guess they don't know it can be called a slumber party!)
Kevin, Anya and Stella are seen here at the supper table tonight.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
"Kate the Great" -- Ode to Kate
New Hope Uganda has a definite, focused mission--bring the Fatherhood of God to the fatherless. We take this vision from Psalm 68:5-6 which reads, “A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families, he leads forth the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.” We have more than 110 staff members of various positions within the ministry —the majority of which are from Uganda. We love this aspect of the ministry, a true partnership between the Ugandan and foreign staff (of whom the latter are less than 30% of the staff make-up.) If we as foreign staff had to leave the country for any reason en masse, the work with the fatherless would be able to continue, and we love that reality! In our short 4 ½ years here we have seen both victory and disappointment as we seek to bring God’s fatherhood to His children here in central Uganda. The work is altogether challenging and rewarding to be sure.
We have come to know and love those with whom we serve. So many of the staff serve tirelessly beyond a “job-description”. One of those I want to highlight here is Kate Tolhurst. She works with our “special needs” children. Because of her passion for their well-being we have taken in more children with special needs in this past year than we have in all of our 23 years of existence as a ministry. She has gathered a staff to help her as she ministers, yet, she seems to keep extremely occupied with all the doings, coming and goings related to caring for the kids—hospital visits, village visits, classes, feeding, bathing, organizing, etc. When does she get a day off??? Well, they are scheduled, but rarely materialize!!!!
Today I went over to see her before the Christmas morning church service. There she was at Hassan’s house (our boy with cerebral palsy who lives on site with us in his own house) taking care of Hassan, Kakande (our developmentally delayed adult), Brian (a boy from the village with spina bifida who is in with us for wound care at the moment), and Kakulu, who has mild cp and is currently battling hepatitis. Church was due to start soon and I asked if I could help her with anything. She said, “No, I’m fine, I just have to feed Hassan, get Brian out of his wheelchair, change Kakulu and get ready.” THAT’S FINE???? It was at that point I decided to highlight her dedication in this humble blog space! Two hours previous I had made a visit to her and learned that her night had been spent cleaning up Kakulu who had a bout with explosive diarrhea. While she was relating that story to me, Hassan’s feeding tube spontaneously disconnected and Kakande was making a mess on the floor as he attempted to get all his breakfast in his mouth. She seems to take it all in stride, but I know there are days that stretch her to her maximum (today might have been one of them!) She does all of this with a smile on her face and is so very pleasant. I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to tell you about her and her unwavering passion for these kids. And as you are praying, tell God THANK YOU for Kate! She is a sincere blessing to many of the fatherless in central Uganda and a joy to the rest of the New Hope staff!
Kate bathes Kakulu before the church service this a.m.
Resetting the feeding tube for Hassan as Kakande eats breakfast (most, but not all of it gets in his mouth!)
Smiling as she flushes Hassan's gastric tube.
Adjusting Hassan in his wheelchair.
We have come to know and love those with whom we serve. So many of the staff serve tirelessly beyond a “job-description”. One of those I want to highlight here is Kate Tolhurst. She works with our “special needs” children. Because of her passion for their well-being we have taken in more children with special needs in this past year than we have in all of our 23 years of existence as a ministry. She has gathered a staff to help her as she ministers, yet, she seems to keep extremely occupied with all the doings, coming and goings related to caring for the kids—hospital visits, village visits, classes, feeding, bathing, organizing, etc. When does she get a day off??? Well, they are scheduled, but rarely materialize!!!!
Today I went over to see her before the Christmas morning church service. There she was at Hassan’s house (our boy with cerebral palsy who lives on site with us in his own house) taking care of Hassan, Kakande (our developmentally delayed adult), Brian (a boy from the village with spina bifida who is in with us for wound care at the moment), and Kakulu, who has mild cp and is currently battling hepatitis. Church was due to start soon and I asked if I could help her with anything. She said, “No, I’m fine, I just have to feed Hassan, get Brian out of his wheelchair, change Kakulu and get ready.” THAT’S FINE???? It was at that point I decided to highlight her dedication in this humble blog space! Two hours previous I had made a visit to her and learned that her night had been spent cleaning up Kakulu who had a bout with explosive diarrhea. While she was relating that story to me, Hassan’s feeding tube spontaneously disconnected and Kakande was making a mess on the floor as he attempted to get all his breakfast in his mouth. She seems to take it all in stride, but I know there are days that stretch her to her maximum (today might have been one of them!) She does all of this with a smile on her face and is so very pleasant. I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to tell you about her and her unwavering passion for these kids. And as you are praying, tell God THANK YOU for Kate! She is a sincere blessing to many of the fatherless in central Uganda and a joy to the rest of the New Hope staff!
Kate bathes Kakulu before the church service this a.m.
Resetting the feeding tube for Hassan as Kakande eats breakfast (most, but not all of it gets in his mouth!)
Smiling as she flushes Hassan's gastric tube.
Adjusting Hassan in his wheelchair.
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!
Cinnamon rolls for breakfast and great family time!!!! After opening presents and enjoying breakfast we attended church and worshiped and praised God for His gift of Jesus
!!! It was a fantastic morning!! We pray you had a beautiful Christmas. May the truth of God's gift of life to us in Jesus Christ move you to love the One who created you and who has good plans for you!
Geoff and Acacia

Acacia and her "American Girl" doll, Melody, in her handmade baby crib--made by the same carpenter who built our kitchen. SO TALENTED!
Toby and his legos

Mary and Ssaba Jennifer (one of our David Family girls). Jennifer is spending the holidays with us. She was so excited about all of her presents!

Who knew a coin purse could bring such joy??

Kevin and his robotic bug

Apparently all the excitement killed the dog . . .
Opening our stockings--one of our favorite things!

Yum Yum cinnamon rolls!!! We (Mary, Nabukeera, Jennifer and Acacia) baked all day yesterday: cinnamon rolls, wheat rolls, sweet potato pie, herbed irish potatoes, roast, fresh green beans, pumpkin and apple pie!!!!! Jennie Dangers had supper with us. This is her first Christmas without her family and we wanted to be a part of helping her to KNOW she is loved and cared for!!!
Geoff and Acacia
Acacia and her "American Girl" doll, Melody, in her handmade baby crib--made by the same carpenter who built our kitchen. SO TALENTED!
Toby and his legos
Mary and Ssaba Jennifer (one of our David Family girls). Jennifer is spending the holidays with us. She was so excited about all of her presents!
Who knew a coin purse could bring such joy??
Kevin and his robotic bug
Apparently all the excitement killed the dog . . .
Yum Yum cinnamon rolls!!! We (Mary, Nabukeera, Jennifer and Acacia) baked all day yesterday: cinnamon rolls, wheat rolls, sweet potato pie, herbed irish potatoes, roast, fresh green beans, pumpkin and apple pie!!!!! Jennie Dangers had supper with us. This is her first Christmas without her family and we wanted to be a part of helping her to KNOW she is loved and cared for!!!
May your Christmas be wonderful and enjoyable!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Joy, Laughter, Song and Sweets in the Holidays!!!!
Yesterday the few of us who are here for the holidays gathered at the Dendy’s and Mitchell’s to bake and frost Christmas cookies with the children. The delight in their eyes as they created the treats brought joy to those of us fortunate enough to be with them. Children small and big took special care to design their cookies. After about two hours of creating, anticipation was rewarded when the cookies were set out on the dining table as the rest of the staff and children joined us--all squeezing together into the Dendy’s great room to eat cookies and sing Christmas carols. Aunt Nancy had done a small bit of research on the origins of each carol and then shared with us the stories, while Aunt Sarah accompanied on the piano. Singing, laughing, eating and sharing made the reality of Christmas come alive, despite the near 100 degree weather lately!!! The joy of being together and the excitement in the children truly enhanced our celebration of Jesus’ birth, Immanuel, God with us. We pray that you enjoy your Christmas celebration this year—may His joy and peace fill you to overflowing!!!!! Merry Christmas!
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