It was a fun and busy weekend! On Saturday, I had the David Family girls over starting at about 11 a.m. We began with jewelry making, which they absolutely love. They made some beautiful pieces and had a great time. While we made jewelry we took turns mixing the dough for cinnamon rolls. Because they already know how to make bread they were quick learners for the rolls. We made about 50 cinnamon rolls!! Saturday night is a "fun" night and being the school holiday at present I wanted to really give them an entire day off so I washed all the dishes while they played games, finished the jewelry, and waited for a movie! I was a bit tired today after all the activity and dish washing, but I thoroughly enjoyed having them over all day. We had decided to invite the boys in for the games and at about 3 p.m. we started the movie which then turned into a second movie! They didn't go home until 7 p.m. and they went home happy!!!!! It was a fantastic day.
While I was enjoying the David Family kids, Geoff was having an adventure of his own, which he can tell you about . . .
I was able to attend a village wedding yesterday of one of my graduating vocational students. It was unlike any I've ever attended before--there were no preachers, no gowns, no marching down the aisle. Only bargaining, paying a dowry and consumption of large amounts of alcohol. Included in the bride price was 10 gallons of locally made, very potent, moonshine which the elders quickly began to consume when the payment was made. On the one hand the simple cultural expectations were beautiful, yet on the other hand the destitute poverty and hopelessness was saddening. The location was approximately 8 miles from our little town. Electricity has yet to reach this village and their understanding of a need for a pit latrine is lacking. People literally survive from day to day on a standard so low that would shock most middle class Americans. I was received warmly despite being the surprise of the event--I was the ONLY white person there. The village is one where very few whites have gone. The conditions I experienced made me appreciate the standard that New Hope has brought to our village and we praise God for the changes that have occurred in our area. I am happy for the young man that was married and pray that the seeds of hope we have instilled in his life will affect his inlaws in the future.
Well said Geoff, too bad we didn't get a picture of the white guy in his dress. (Traditional African dress, kanzu, is a full length long sleeved white "dress" worn over slacks and under a suit coat.) We also failed to get a picture of same guy trying to jump start his van to no avail. He ended up having to borrow the vehicle we were using to attempt to start ours. No worries - - - the van is fine. It was only dead as we left the key turned on the day before when we rolled up the windows during a rain storm.
And to round out the weekend we had a great church service today!!!! The two outreach teams that were gone last week gave numerous testimonies to the power of the Kingdom of God as they ministered in Rakai and Amuria. The Amuria group told of children who had been kidnapped by Kony being able to forgive their captors and, as they came to Jesus, the chains of bitterness and hopelessness being stripped away. They asked for prayers as those children return to their villages and to persecution from among their own people. These children didn't have a choice when Kony came and took them, but now they are treated as the enemy by their relatives and village neighbors. Pray for their continued belief that God loves them and for them to be accepted by their people.
In Rakai, there were physical healings as well as many who came to know the Lord. The people there begged one of the team leaders to stay on as their pastor. The new church was longing for some leadership and guidance.
The outreach team to Rakai was led by three of our older boys. We mentioned in a previous blog about the youth organization they have started. They raised the money for the outreach and organized all the details. One of them came to New Hope from that area when he was a small child. He has desired for some time to return to his people and bring the hope, love and truth he received. He is the one whom the people requested to be their pastor. It was amazing to realize the progression of events. In 1992 some of our staff that went this past week to Rakai were the young people on an outreach to that area. In 2001 those kids led an outreach to Rakai which involved New Hope kids and included three who this time were the leaders themselves!!!!!
And finally, more pictures of our kids and the dog
Acacia enjoying her newly rearranged room. We've only been in the house a month and have already rearranged . . .
Toby and Bubbly in the living room. I think Bubbly isn't sure of what she's gotten herself into . . .
The kids playing in the pool at the Red Chilli last weekend when we went for our time away. The pool is really too small for that shark!!! It's more like an oversized hot tub, but they loved it!
Kevin doesn't do much of anything in a normal way. He is learning to love to read and I'm still loving that he does crazy things warranting a photo op.