Today we tried to figure that out. I just wish we had a picture to verify. Actually lets make this a game for all of you that read this blog. Leave your guess as a comment and next Saturday we will notify you of the winner. Usually these things come with prizes, we will have to figure out something for the one who comes closest.
Today I, Geoff that is, was part of a team that went to a prison to minister. The church here has had a team of people that have been visiting a prison in the area for the past 3 years. We took soap, bread and juice for the prisoners. It is not like the cushy prisons of America, these men and women sleep on mats on the floor, are fed one meal a day and often are the subject of abuse. Sounds like what prison was meant to be huh? The place is located deep, and I mean deep, in the bush, about a 45 minute drive from where we live down some roads that you might call a jeep trail. There we found a small prison that houses 50-60 people. When they entered most had no shoes and all looked tired and hopeless. Many are inflicted with AIDS and don’t have much hope of a productive life ahead. Yet when we left many were smiling and thankful that we came. The message of hope we brought along with the small tokens of our love made their day seem a little more bearable. The ride home was livelier as the young people in our van drummed and sang the entire way home, with the exception of when we were stuck behind a charcoal truck waiting for them to get it fixed. That is another story...