Thursday, November 25, 2010

Extreme Thanksgiving!

A day of intense sunshine, then a torrential rainstorm complete with hail and driving winds.
It all began at 7 a.m. with the turkey slaughter x 2. Toby begged us to wake him early so as not to miss the action. The Biedler's found and purchased the turkeys last week in a far away village. Thankfully, that meant that the slaughter took place at THEIR house, NOT MINE!! :)

While the turkeys met their demise, Geoff worked in our bananas with Kakande. Kakande is a developmentally delayed man who has relatives in nearby villages. Often people with Kakande's disability are discarded by society. Auntie Katie (who is passionate caregiver to many of the community's special needs kids) has involved herself in caring for Kakande. He is onsite everyday and currently sleeps in one of our clinic rooms. She keeps him active and busy and teaches him daily skills. A few days ago, she and two of our David Family children accompanied him to the clinic to teach him how to make his bed. Everyday he collects and carries water and helps around Hassan's house. Hassan is our child with cerebral palsy who lives in his own house, overseen by Katie, in our David Family compound. In these pictures, kakande is helping Geoff weed the bananas.

The hard hat belongs to Toby. Kakande thought it was more fun to weed with a special hat.

In keeping with the tradition of the First Thanksgiving, we celebrated our own harvest of bananas a few days ago. Here Geoff carries the banana stalk, which is cut down after harvest. Oh, such good bananas--talk about fresh and organic!!

Toby "harvested" turkey feathers from the slaughter. He and Acacia made "Indian" headdresses for the occasion.

At 6 we headed down to the McFarland house (where the Peterson's are currently living). What a time of laughing, joking, catching up with each other and realizing how very blessed we all are to be together to celebrate God's goodness!!!!! We are thankful to be from a free country and currently living in a free country!!!!

Acacia's little fan club kept her busy with wrestling and tickling!

Though we live in close proximity, we may go days without seeing some of the staff due to the individual nature of our involvement with the ministry. We thoroughly enjoyed being together!!!

Especially since the men were in the kitchen!!!! Some were helpful--here Gabe whips up some awesome turkey gravey.

While the rest are . . . just there.

Chris and "a little something for the platter . . . a little something for me . . ."

Are we excited about PIE??? Oh, yeah!

Kim Peterson and Naomi Vogt.

Kara Peterson, Acacia, and Jonica Biedler

The Zimmerman's and the Mitchell's.

The table where we sat with the William's, Peterson's, Vogt's, and Monique. I haven't laughed as much in a LONG time! I'm so thankful for good friends who have a great sense of humor!!!!!

Nancy and Hannah's friend, Kara, Andrew and Janessa

Trying to get into the spirit of the season, the kids "sledded" together on the mat.

And then they crashed, just like in real sledding!

We pray you had an enjoyable Thanksgiving! "In EVERYTHING give thanks!" I Thessalonians 5:18

1 comment:

Amy said...

That really seems like one of the best Thanksgivings anyone could have!! So glad you all got together to enjoy each other's company and help with the cooking. Loved how all the kids played so nicely together and had fun 'sledding'!