Monday, June 7, 2010

A change of culture

We've now been here a little more than two weeks. The last of our extended family flew away to Boston today. The house is quiet---relatively speaking. When Mom and I arrived home after taking my sister and her family to LAX (Los Angeles Int'l Airport), Geoff's family had arrived for an over night visit! Still, it is quieter than when we had 17+ people in this small 3 bedroom house!!!!! My youngest sister, her husband and 1 yr-old son left last night for Honduras :( They will be working this next year on establishing a home for street children in the mountains of Honduras.

I'm finding that of all the things we are experiencing here in the U.S.---the noise; fast traffic; overwhelming amount of choices in the grocery stores, department stores and home improvement stores; the abundance of conveniences (washers, dryers, hot hot showers, cold cold refrigerators)---the most amazing thing to me is that I can be in a public place and understand ALL of the conversations that are going on around me!!!!!! And they are all being spoken in AMERICAN English!!! There is no English accent, German accent, Dutch accent, Irish accent--just plain ole American! Still, after two weeks I literally find myself surprised as I HEAR what other people are saying!

For the kids--they love the machines!!! One day last week they listened all morning for the street sweeper and ran out as soon as they heard it. After it went by they chased it down the street yelling and laughing about how amazing it was to have seen it sooooo up close!!

1 comment:

Beto and Laura Perez Speaks said...

i love all the pics! especially the one of you in my shirt in catalina. glad you like it. i think it cost me maybe $2 at the thrift store on pch and temple. you should check it out. we miss you! i agree about SAG harbor. i thought the same thing when i saw that name for the first time. you really should try mcd's sweet tea. it really is good. and being only a dollar it comes in a very big cup.