Se7en Wonders of the World
For the following quote, I cannot give credit where it is due because I don’t know where it originated (maybe in my brain, but it’s a bit too clever for that possibility!)
Because these words are recorded in the notebook I keep in my purse for that “just in case I need it” moment, I assume I wrote it down along our many world travels out there somewhere.
Maybe if I kept myself a bit more organized I’d know, but let’s not talk about organization. I am up to my eyeballs in organization exercises and all manner of matter is still creatively escaping my ability to fully categorize nine years of accumulation. Getting ready for furlough, they say, is a perfect time to organize and clean out--so it is, but the stuff seems to be winning at this point in the contest.
Ok, enough of that foray into my lack of domestic administrative prowess. As I was making a grocery list (a nod to my attempt to bring order) the other day I saw the true definition of the Seven Wonders of the World neatly sketched on the last page of the notebook.
7 Wonders of The World
To See
I read them and I paused. I needed to be reminded of this truth especially because our fast-paced days have been swept along with the swirl of end-of-year events, special meals with friends, extra meetings, Christmas pantomimes, graduations, school closings and the packing, cleaning and boxing up I’ve already mentioned. In addition, the end of this particular year is seemingly culminating a season of good-byes we’ve had to say over the past few months. We said good-bye to the Anderson’s this morning and last week we said good-bye at our staff party to other fellow servants that are moving to other ministry/educational opportunities. There was a special good-bye to Aunt Constance during the church service this morning. And we will say more in the next few days.
Kevin, Tiegan, Toby and Kynan as the Anderson's left this morning |
The older kids caught some laughs together before the Anderson's left. |
Kynan and Kevin getting in some final goofing around. |
The older, older kids: Tal, Keith Geoff and Tim |
And so, in this very busy, emotional period, I hope to daily harness these seven wonders.
Millie Akoth receives a certificate of recognition at the S4 banquet |
To see the wonders of God in the people around me: the secondary 4 level girls who descended upon our house Friday morning as they gussied themselves up for their graduation banquet--where has the time flown? Some of them used to run around our compound singing and playing, others have been seen in my kitchen numerous times over the years making messes which turned into cakes. Now they are the new Investment Year class and soon they will fly off to University or other courses.
Toby, Wilbur and Joel share in the joy of Wilbur finishing S4 |
To Hear the Okoth kids next door as they sing at the VERY top of their lungs for the hundredth time, “Bless the Lord, O My Soul!” To hear the young David Family kids returning from Sunday school with excitement, or coming over to call our kids for a jackfruit feast. To Hear the discos, that seem to be rampant during the holiday season blaring boom-boom-boom at 3 a.m. . . . oh, wait, that’s not good auditory stimulus . . .
To Taste and savor lovingly prepared matooke, g-nut sauce, meat, rice, chapatis, irish potatoes and Stoney soda almost everyday this past week as we’ve walked through numerous special events together. Realizing that though we might have eaten the same thing everyday, at least we ATE which is more than many in the world can say. And, in just two and a half weeks these foods will not be available for my taste buds to experience until the end of next summer! Also, pineapples and mangoes are coming back into season and we ate our first mango of the season this morning. mmmmmm
To Touch with loving embrace those who have served here with us. To Touch Jaaja’s grandkids and Sam’s niece and nephew who run to us with arms wide open and a broad smile. To Touch the widower who is missing his wife, and the single, very tired mom of eight with another on the way, to Touch Elizabeth, the 3-year-old prayer warrior who prayed for me everyday I was gone in California for treatment and now says every time I see her, “Aunt Mary, hold me now,” to which I reply with open arms, so thankful to be healed and able to pick her up! Yes, don’t forget to touch.
To Feel the tears begin to roll when thinking about how life brings changes we never expected. So, yes, in a sad way to feel, but also the tears of joy when older kids in David Family receive the awards for being the best representatives of manhood and womanhood among all the kids in the schools and families.
Ronald receives his certificate for being the best representative of manhood among the students |
Sam receives a certificate of recognition for being a prefect at the school |
To Laugh until it hurts with good friends. That is a definite wonder--how can a simple gut laugh feel SOOOoooooo good? I don’t know, but thanks God for thinking that up and creating it perfectly!
To Love. To love so much that it hurts a LOT when you say good-bye. Because when you don’t give into love there is a numbness that takes over instead of a cleansing cry. Teach us to LOVE MORE, our Father. Teach us.
The Muwanguzi and Britton kids laughing together after our Pizza feast! |
The Muwanguzi and Britton heads enjoying the time together at our Pizza feast! |
An impending furlough always brings contemplation on where we’ve been and where we’re going; whom we’ve served with and who is moving on; what we’ve done and what the future holds.
After dinner games included Bananagrams and Pictureka |
I hope to keep a heightened awareness of the 7 Wonders of the World and engage them.
Lots of gut laughs on the banangrams side of the table! |
A tradition we are happy to uphold is getting together with the Muwanguzi family before we venture off on a furlough. They were our first neighbors here at New Hope and we always have huge laughs and great fun when we're together. We had our usual Pizza Feast again this year!!! It could be said that making enough pizza for this crowd is the 8th wonder!!!!!
I am reminded of Augustine’s God-given wisdom which mused, “Men go abroad to wonder at the heights of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars, and they pass by themselves without wondering.”
Might I add that we also pass by each other without wonder. Forgive us Lord. Enrich our days as we choose to live in daily engagement of the 7 wonders you have instilled in us.