Whilst driving slowly up the hill, the last of many before the entrance, I ruminated again. Had I had been too pushy, too aggressive, over stepped my bounds? No, I hadn’t pushed, I had guided. I prayed and led her to God’s Word. That is what is required of me, showing others the way of the one true God and then waiting patiently while they see His truth for themselves. And, it had to be done. But, I had her mother in the van with me and I quickly shifted to what she must be thinking. I’d had many opportunities to talk with her and each time she was supportive, though she complained that the school is expensive--there was no way she could pay all of the fees. And, indeed it is without the generous support of those who give to New Hope and the kids here.
There is no way I could know what her mother was thinking. Her presence was enough, however, to say she was for this move. For this young girl who loves the Lord with all her heart and soul, mind and strength, she wanted to be in a place where her faith could flourish under daily encouragement. And this school? It was the place for her. Despite the objections of her non-Christian family members, she had decided to be faithful to God’s word, “take up My cross and follow Me,” were the words that moved her.
Yes, I had done the right thing and so had she. Choosing God’s way isn’t always the easy way, but it is the best way. And her broad smile showed that she was expecting good things from her loving Father.
She was received well and all her things were checked and logged. Then it was time to say good-bye. So soon? Last week when I took our other daughter to school it took no less than four hours!!! We moved all around campus, having papers signed, getting items checked more than once. This time? It was more than efficient--too efficient because it made the time to part come swiftly.
The ride home was quiet--thoughtful, just her mother and me. She would be two years in that school and there was much to learn, AND a new set of school fees to come with every term! Again, I wondered what her mother was thinking, but I had no way of knowing. Likewise, she couldn't know what I was discovering in myself. A determination to stay true to what God has called us to do here at New Hope Uganda--point others to Father God. Today I served this young girl by helping her get to a place she'd hoped for, but confessed she lacked the faith at times to believe she'd get to. And I served her mother by helping her to see her child arrive at a place in life where maturity, faith and academia coalesce to strengthen the gifts given by God.
Our dear Aziza says goodbye to the one she's cared for during her days of waiting for school to begin. She helped his parents during the day with bathing him and watching out for him while they were occupied elsewhere. |
getting ready to load the van, Me, Aziza, Geoff, Uncle Mulu |
Geoff and Uncle Mulu laugh with Aziza as they comment on the heaviness of what's inside her school trunk! |
One of Aziza's housemates came over yesterday to make a special cake to honor her. She was surprised and very blessed by it and we ALL enjoyed eating it!!
These kids "leaving the nest" is only the beginning. All of our kids in David Family but three are in secondary school at this time. The years will pass quickly to the time when they will leave us and move ahead in the plans God has for them. Living here--I wouldn't trade it! |
Meanwhile, back at the Britton ranch, we enjoyed a Honduran lunch yesterday! One of our dear neighbors in Long Beach is from Honduras and before we left the states, she gave us a large bag of beans from her family's farm. We planted some in two of our gardens and ate what was left. Yum. Yum. I made tortillas and prepared them with soft cheese just like she did for us when we ate at her house. It was sweet to remember our neighbors. |
Lately, Toby has been enjoying something his Aunt Linda sent him--pumpkin spice Dunkin Donuts coffee. Those of us who actually LIKE coffee don't really enjoy that frufru stuff, but Toby has a real hankering for it!
Blessings to you all and a special thanks to those reading this who contribute to New Hope Uganda! We are grateful to you for your generosity as it enables us to minister to so many in numerous ways! |