No current theme here but a few things from today and one from a couple of weeks ago. First the photo with all the people was from the huge celebration we hosted two weeks ago in honor of 20 years in the ministry of bringing the fatherhood of God to the fatherless. It was Feb of 1988 that New Hope received it's first 10 children and on the 11th thru 13th of July we opened up for all those who have been involved with New Hope to come home for the weekend. They began coming on Thursday and by Sunday there were more than 1500 people here for the Sunday service. It is incredible to think of all those that have been touched over the years. Those who had no one on their side found that God truly was on their side and brought them to Kasana to be cared for.
In other news "You know you are a missionary when..." . . .One of your children asks "What's for supper?" and in response to your answer of "roasted grasshoppers", one of your other children sports a big smile and says, "REALLY??!!!" in mouth-watering anticipation. What a let down to have to say, "No. Sorry, just roast, potatoes, carrots and gravy."
In other news "You know you are a missionary when..." . . .One of your children asks "What's for supper?" and in response to your answer of "roasted grasshoppers", one of your other children sports a big smile and says, "REALLY??!!!" in mouth-watering anticipation. What a let down to have to say, "No. Sorry, just roast, potatoes, carrots and gravy."